A Celebration of the Life of John Bovenizer
This site is, and always will be, a celebration of John Bovenizer, one of the funniest, warmest and natural people we know.
Set up by his nephew Joe, but now belonging to many family and friends, it has become both a focus for, and a connection with one another.
Those close to John cannot describe the pain of losing him, but in sharing some wonderful memories, through pictures, stories and thoughts we remember what John meant to us, and how by knowing him, we are richer for the relationship we shared.
We hope you appreciate our contributions to John's site. If you feel able to add something, whether it be by uploading a photograph, a condolence or a tall tale (of which John is a big part of many) please do. This site is here for all to remember him as they see fit. To do so, simply register, then click on the specific section to either upload or add.
Memorial: A bench in Ireland has been sited and unveiled in Greystones Harbour, Co' Wicklow looking out across the bay. It overlooks the rocks where John, as a child, would clamber for hours with his cousins, and is beside the harbour where Ryan took his first steps in the sand. Should anyone wish to visit the bench, make your way to The Beach House (pub), The Harbour, Greystones and take the short walk from here up the Sea Road. A fitting memorial in England will also be sited in an appropriate place, at a later date with Ryan's input.